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Why don't they download as .curxptheme any more?
Published on April 14, 2005 By lynnyf In CursorFX
I've noticed lately that every time I download a Cursor XP skin that instead of getting the .curxptheme file; I get individual cursors. Could it be because I use the "free" CursorXP software? I've bought every program that Stardock offers except Desktop X (It would have been cheapter for me had I purchased this first.)

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

on Apr 14, 2005
Are they zipped when you download them? (e.g. ***.zip). If so just rename the zip file to *.curXPtheme and they should install normally.

No idea why this happens but I don't think it has anything to do with the free version (it has previously been associated with upgrading WindowsXP to SP2). After a while (a couple of weeks maybe?) Windows will 'remember' the old settings and download the files with the correct extension.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central